here and there.

Yea I am back. I am having holidays right now so I decided to write more.

It's already December. Christmas is coming. HOHOHO. For my opinion,Christmas is just the same for me and I don't really celebrate like CNY. This year, I am so lucky to have the chance to go overseas. Even though it's not on the exact day of Christmas but still it's the best Christmas present for me. I do really appreciate it. I am not ashame to tell you guys that I have not been to Universal Studios before. It's either too expensive or sold out of tickets. I really look foward to this trip.

For your info, Mnet Asian Music Awards(MAMA) just held in HK few days ago. I knew it's quite late to talk about this but I just want to express my feelings. I will do a short recap. When the voting sessions started and the date of MAMA is released through social media,I was sho excited and cant wait for the day to come.If you have been following my twitter, I have posted a lot about my boys. Sj just released 7th album MAMACITA and sold quite a number of copies. They are known as Hallyu stars and well known all over the world. I am not that worry and was over expected that my boys will get all these awards home. As an ELF I will do my own part by voting for them even though I was quite busy with my studies.

During 3rd of Dec, I was having class that day and yea I was so excited. I keep scrolling my twitter fb and insta just in case not to miss out any single news about them. During noon, most of the idols like Tiffany,exo and even running man members Lee Kwang Soo and Song Ji Hyo started to board plane and heading to HK. I was so wondering WHERE'S SJ? I still cross my finger hoping that they will start boarding plane and yet they dint do so. I still remember Hyuk promise ELF that all of them will attend MAMA. Because of that I voted for them everyday and try my best to vote more than 1 ID. I want to see my boys crying on stage receiving awards. Yet it was just a dream.

When I was scrolling my twitter, I saw someone mentioned that Kyu having mini concert that night. Since that moment, I realised and understood everything. I seemed like fall off from high cliff and heard some giggling behind me. SJ NOT going to attend MAMA.

Just before the best male group award being given out, Hyuk posted at insta telling ELF that he miss us and thanked everything we have done for them. Seemed like they knew everything since beginning. They are neither complaining nor angrying. I really respect them. I love them very much. I do.

13/12 is not far anymore.My heart still tear into pieces when I think of you. You will become someone's husband. You will have your own responbility to take care of your own family. Mr pumpkin I love you. I do.

Recently I downloaded 1 apps named 'Wattpad'. It's somehow like electronic books and you can read it free. Yea,trying to improve my english. I shall end now. I knew it's long...hahahaha..I shall sleep now.Fall in love with Sam Smith's songs. End with this song. Bye


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