incident that I have never expect

Everything happens all of a sudden. It was unexpected. 
To the man I ever love, I will always love.
I am sorry that I took you for granted and disappointed you again and again.
I used to think that I am a princess until the first storm hit when I was in standard five.
I do not have the chance to take care of him. 
See how rude the life is. 
This is life.

Yesterday morning, after having breakfast, my dad had a serious stomach pain.
At first we thought it was just a normal stomach pain or food poisoning
or maybe even appendicitis.
So, we just bought some medicine from outside.
In the afternoon,the condition still remain the same.
My mum brought my dad to clinic.
I couldn't explain in details as
I did not follow them.
All I was know is the doctor in the clinic wrote a letter to hospital and 
told my parents to rush to hospital 
to have a detail check up.
My mum seek her friend for help
At last they chose Manipal hospital

As long as they reach there,my dad was sent to emergency.
The situation became worse.
My dad was on a drip in the hospital and 
the doctor gave him some medicine.
Out of my expectation,the doctor told that it is not related to
stomach or appendix. 
It is somehow related to kidney.
After that,They straight away came home.

The next morning,the pain is reduced and 
my dad is slightly better compared to yesterday.
We went to the hospital again to meet the doctor.
It was so unlucky that the doctor was not in.
We have to come back again in d afternoon.
The building is quite new and the environment is very clean.
Right here I want to give a thumb up to the staffs there.
They are extremely friendly,caringly and helpful.

The doctor that my dad met was Dr Amit Kumar Sharma.
He's an Urology consultant.
My first impression towards him is tall and quite good looking.
Actually, for my point of view, he is extremely good looking and smart.
He started to ask some questions and explained
some medical facts.
He is well spoken and he tried to convey the information
in a very simple and straight forward way.
I have studied Science till pre u
That's why I understood his explainations.

My dad went for a CT scan.
At first we prefer ultrasound as CT scan has a lil 
sight effect to the kidneys.
Afterall,we chose CT scan as the doctor can diagnose the problem easier.
Dr Amit said looking at the CT scan, it's kidney stone.
There is a 3mm stone in my dad kidney
It was a very very small matter.
The doctor suggested we used the traditional way,
that is drink more water to flush it off.
If the situation still remain the same after 2 weeks 
then the doctor might advise my dad to undergo a minor operation.

For my information,Manipal is a private hospital
For medical fees, it was relatively cheap and reasonable.
They only charged us around RM100 for consultation fees.
They really provide a very good service and 
everything was fine.

Thank to god, my dad is fine now.
All I wanted is my parents are in good health condition.
That's all.


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