New Year Resolutions

It's 2016 now. Time flies so fast. I wanted to set some new year resolutions for myself and I will try my best to do it.

1. Be simple and classy in terms of outfit and attitude. I will try and buy different kind of outfits this year with my money. Most important, be simple. 最近友情方面不是很顺利。认识我的人都知道 I don't create drama and I hate dramas.I hate fake people. 我的宗旨是,只要我当你是朋友,你要我做什么都可以。 坦诚相待有这么难吗?有时候我不知道如何和你相处,因为你很假,很虚伪。 我不敢说我有多真诚,但对待朋友,我一定掏心掏肺,只是有时候,放在错的人身上,受伤的是自己。新的一年,我要戴眼镜识人,不是所有人都可以列为朋友。什么事都好,不要埋怨,她迟早是会有报应。

2. 多做运动。大学里有健身房,没去过。我会找时间去。好好锻炼一下自己。

3. 全心全意,不拖延。我一定会放101%热情和努力进去。

4.努力赚钱。现在有在做网卖。 会想办法赚多点钱。 我想买手机,或者出国旅行。只要所有老少年服役回来,我一定会飞去韩国,亲自见上他们一面。

This are all my new year resolutions.

recent updates:
1. I still remember I was chatting with my girl friends, he sent me all the assignments example through whatsapp. I was so surprised and touched. Even my girl friends wont do that for me, he is the first one who did this to me. He think that I might need it and said I am blur blur. Do you know I will mistaken with what you are saying?

2. MPU class is cancelled last Wed and lecturer asked us to do quiz. I am unable to log in around 9pm. I am nervous and ask my group mates through whatsapp group. He is the only one who whatsapp me and concern for my situation. The next day, I managed to do the quiz before attend the tutorial class. When I was attending account class, he whatsapp me again. I feel so sweet when he said he wanted to give me the answer. Thank You.

3. During new year eve, I was sitting at cafeteria to wait for my parents. Library was only open for half day. I was sitting alone and one girl apporached me. She is so stunning and we started our conversations. I like her attitude and personality. Wish to see her again.

I know you wont be my boyfriend but I am touched for what you have done to me. Maybe you did the same to other girls but thank you. You are so sweet. You are funny. I like when I talk to you.



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